THE OLYMPIC SPECIFICATIONS Pedal 16' Trumpet 16' Bass 16' Bourdon 8' Open Diapason 8' Tibia Clausa 8' Flute 8' Sustain Bass Bass Drum Cymbal Wood Block Great 16' Trumpet 16' Tuba(TC) 16' Bass (TC) 16' Tibia Clausa (TC) 16' Saxophone(TC) 16' String 8' Trumpet 8' Tuba 8' Open Diapason 8' Tibia Clausa 8' Clarinet 8' Saxophone 8' Oboe 8' String 8' String Celeste 5-1/3' Tibia Quint 4' Octave 4' Piccolo 2-2/3' Tibia Twelfth 2' Tibia Piccolo 1-3/5' Tibia Tierce 1' Tibia Fife Accompaniment 8' Tuba 8' Open Diapason 8' Diapason Celeste 8' Tibia Clausa 8' Clarinet 8' String 8' Octave 4' Tibia Piccolo Chrysoglott 4' Harp Chinese Block Snare Drum Tambourine Cymbal Accompaniment Soft Solo 16' Tuba (TC) 16' Bass (TC) 16' Tibia Clausa (TC) 8' Trumpet 8' Tuba 8' Open Diapason 8' Tibia CIausa 8' Saxophone 8' Oboe 8' String 4' Tibia Piccolo Piano Harpsichord Harp Glockenspiel Tremulants Main Tremulant Main Vibrato Tibia/Sax Tremulant Solo Harp Tremulant Voicing Tablets Trumpet FF Diapason FF Tibia FF Clarinet FF Saxophone FF String FF Combination Action Computer-Memory Capture Combination Action -Four adjustable pistons per division; six independently adjustable general pistons; generals and Pedal Division pistons duplicated by toe studs; SFORZANDO piston and toe stud; set piston and general cancel under the Accompaniment Manual. External Speaker Systems The Olympic has two outputs for connectmg Rodgers extema1 speaker cabmets each of which contains 100 watts of amplification. The output channels are Main and Solo as was traditiona1 in theater pipe organs. Standard O Three 61 note manual keyboards, tilted and overhanging, with single contact diode keying. O A 32 note concave and radiating pedalboard, with magnetic reed.switch keying. O Individual leveling controls for each speaking stop. O Adjustable voicing formats on Reeds stops for contoured scaling and tonal flexibility. O Natural harmonic activity. O Tremulants adjustable for speed and depth. O Engraved stop tablets. O Concealed illumination on keyboards, stop rail, and pedals. O A 30 note metal bar Glockenspiel in matching wooden case. O All components are solid-state and contained within the console ( except Glockenspiel). O Five year limited warranty. O Practice Panel with adjustable reverberation, headphone outputs, and tape recorder input and outputs. O Engraved stop controls and indicators. O On/Off key switch with indicator light. O Divided Expression (Main and Solo expression pedals). O Crescendo Pedal (progressively adds predetermined voices). O Independent Celestes with note for note tuning capability. Optional O Transposer to raise and lower pitch by four semitones, with lighted pistons. O Antique White and Gold finish. O Rodgers Rhythmaker with twelve, four.measure rhythm patterns, downbeat indicator, and Light Emitting Diode counter. Console Dimensions Height(withoutmusicrack):.. 129.5cm(51") Width: 153.5cm(60.1/2") Depth: 83 cm (32.1/2") Depth (with pedalboard): 128.5 cm (50.5/8") Weight: 300Kg.(661Ibs.) Jerry's Hammond Organ Services